
We are a studio of artists, thinkers, and outsiders. We create identities and spaces, informed by strategy and underscored by wit, for people looking to do things differently in order to do them better.

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An Interview with Fritz(ECD) and Kim(CD)

Listen in on a chat between our Founder and Executive Creative Director Fritz Mesenbrink and Creative Director Kim Sutherland to learn more about OMFGCO's past, present, and future.


A selection of capabilites

Interior Design
Research & Strategy
Brand Therapy
Nugget Finding
Visual Identity Systems
Storytelling & Copywriting

Custom Type Design
Website Design
Signage & Wayfinding
Furniture Design
Content Creation
Social Media Stuff
Art & Creative Direction
Film & Video

Not seeing what you're looking for? Great, we’ve got an insatiable curiosity and long history of figuring it out.


Fritz Mesenbrink

ECD & Partner

International vending machine connoisseur. Endless curiosity and dad jokes for days, Fritz will provide high-level creative input and ideation, possibly karaoke.

Evan Wilson

CFO & Partner

Business in the front, party in the back. Evan will help us navigate all the legal and financial aspects of this project with ease.

Ashley Hildreth

Studio Manager

Holistic maximizer, moonlighting copyeditor. Living in the subtle nuances of organizational mystique, Ashley is the glue that keeps us all together.

Kim Sutherland

Creative Director

Canadian bookmaker and nature enthusiast. Kim will lead the creative direction to ensure we meet the highest design standards.

Sarah Hollowood

Art Director

Feline fanatic, amateur tap dancer, and enthusiastic list maker who enjoys a decent snack plate. Sarah brings varied experience, an eagle eye, and enthusiasm for research.

Sam O’Leary

Art Director

In this corner, representing Aotearoa, we have Sam O’Leary—making a glorious mess with whatever he can get his hands on since 1986.

Brandon Bidleman

Senior Designer

Drawing dog dad, midnight music maker. Brandon brings a love for illustration and an eye for expressive design.

Kathy Chung


Silly trinket collector, amateur harmonica soloist, and jigsaw puzzle enthusiast. Kathy is a designer, knee deep in trying to create order out of chaos... and surely her ALL 20 tabs of Google searches will help her along the way :)

Sean O’Connor


Cat Dad. Lover of carbs. Organizer of ideas, facilitator of conversations, entrepreneur, hotel owner, mediocre surfer, you-name-it, Sean knows how to get it done and stay on track.

Kyler Spickler


In one alternate universe, Kyler is a celebrity chef. In another, he’s a stand-up comedian. But in this universe, he’s a brand producer and strategist who obsesses over every detail and is curious about every thing.

Natalie McNulty

Social Media Intern

Just your average Thai-American girl, Natalie loves Chappell Roan and a snarky one-line Letterboxd review. Here to be a curious researcher and playful designer.

Lindsey Walker

Brand Design Intern

Twinkly-eyed painter, ruthless bumper sticker peddler (or prolific Notes App archivist—depends on the day)! Lindsey brings with her a twisty-turny background of diverse experiences and passions, which culminate into a deep love for expressive typography, illustration, and conceptually driven design.



a drawing of a rainbow colored object on a white background

Everything is an Opportunity

Limitations, speed bumps, and course changes are going to be a part of every job—we choose to use them as ways to be more creative and make better work.

a blue and yellow flower with a smiley face

Best Idea Wins

We champion an idea meritocracy—a good idea can and does come from anyone.

a drawing of a person laying down with a flower in their hand

Stay Outside

We approach our work with more questions than answers. By starting with a “beginner’s mind,” we can clear the noise and get to the root of what matters.

a flower that is growing out of a hat

Water the Plants

Regardless of our titles, our job descriptions are simple: make everyone else’s lives easier. How can we help?

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